If child Problem (demo) travmatic

Child to much hit's other childs - Tiran in the family detected. +Do not enough love and caresses.
Child to much hit's other childs and hit parents - Do not enough love and caresses.
Silent child - Maybe family quite quiet, or the child is suppressed.
baby is hysterical - dilapidated. lacks a reasonable mentor who will reason peacefully without harming the child

Sadism by child said - sadism in family and humiliation (need work with family)


i am not psychologist. But i know few situations from my friends. They had this that's why i wrote how fast can understand what is wrong only to see child how he speak with others or just doing something.

my friend child hit others sometime, and hit my friend. for which he was punished. But, in the school in finland, school the teacher said another reason. They fight because they do not like him, he should be hugged, they say that they love and appreciate and it will take some time. Сhild mother start to hug him for a long time when he did something bad, for compensate for the lack of love. And after few months when i saw him again, it's was different child. No more hits, happy, no more cry for every little thing. how often did he do it before

that is, if the child is fighting. Do you have to love him? Yes. But not for hits and finghint. Finghting is bad, but he need something love, close be to others. next - i dont know :)


if the child speaks with a guilty voice. So someone curses it and pumps it very often if this speech has become permanent.

There are a lot of problems that comes from parents. If you do not know the details, it will be worse for both. Children are worse, parents are harder.

I think that it is necessary to dial a set of small diagnoses as I described above and the answer is how to cure it. repair.

We need new science in that way. And new advice's for integration new knowledge everywhere


"Do not be yourself"
The nearest environment inspires the child that in order to be loved, he needs to be what he wants to see, not himself. A person with such an attitude is often unhappy with his life and lives in a state of constant internal conflict - he wants to do what he wants, but then he will be painfully ashamed of his parent who gave the opposite attitude.
This sense of guilt remains even when parents no longer play such a significant role in human life. Their image constantly continues to live in it and has a huge impact on all actions and decisions that this person takes.

"Do not live"
This attitude appears when a child is told how difficult it is to deal with him, how much he needs to mess around with, that after his appearance everything went wrong, that he upsets everyone and has only problems from him. A small person comes to the conclusion that it would be easier for his parents if he did not exist and begins to behave appropriately - quietly, imperceptibly, trying not to get caught and to occupy as little space as possible (often such children are small and thin) .
Also, kids with such a setup may not always try to "destroy" themselves - to fall ill or fall and break something. In adult life, their destructive tendencies towards themselves can take the form of drug addiction, alcoholism, craving for extreme sports.

"Do not believe yourself"
This inspires the children of their parents with a firm belief that they know better what is good and right for their child. By such behavior they force him to trust someone else's opinion more than his own. It is easy to imagine what kind of people grow up from such children - dependent, dependent.
"Do not be a child"
Such a system can be obtained from the parents by a child who is often reproached and punished for his childish behavior: he is forbidden to laugh out loud, run, make noise, fool around, have fun, calling him to the mind with the phrase: "What are you behaving like a little boy?". Thus, the child develops an understanding that being small is bad, and for adults it is good.
When such a child grows up, he does not know how to rest and relax. And if he indulges his little weaknesses, he feels guilty long after that.

"Do not Feel"
It can be a ban on some negative feelings, censure and ridicule of childish anger, resentment, fear. In adult life, a person may not notice and do not recognize the presence of these feelings, which creates him additional problems and difficulties in dealing with other people.
"Be the best" or "Do not achieve success"
Two polar suggestions. In the case of the first - parents really want the child to be successful and justify their expectations. Therefore, he is constantly told that it makes sense to do everything only in the best possible way. Growing up, such a person believes that one can be happy only by being 100% successful.
In the second case, parents tell the child that he is a loser and he still does not work. With such an installation, it is very difficult for an adult to achieve any achievement.

"You can not trust anyone"
The world is presented to the child as a dangerous and hostile place where everyone is just waiting to betray and deceive him. Parents set up a small person against everything around him, urging them to believe only. In adulthood, such a child will have problems with trust in others.

"Do not do it"
Trying to patronize their child, parents repeatedly repeat that he did not climb anywhere, did not touch anything, that it is dangerous, and there you can fall. Growing up, such children feel fear and uncertainty before the beginning of each case, they do not know how to make independent decisions.

Best way to grow up kids i dont know yet, but i see finland.
My opinion is, just give them live but learn be in socium.

Do not hit children! Sweden experence

Do not hit children!

In the 70s, Sweden was one of the first countries in the world where a ban on beating children was introduced. Today, 40 years later, the education of children without the use of violence takes place in many countries. But in those days, no one thought about that slapping and slapping is an unacceptable and ineffective method of education. Studies confirm that 90% of Swedes support the ban on domestic violence and never use physical force against their own children. Already in kindergarten children know their rights, in particular, about the right of inviolability.

The so-called "education without stress" we associate with allowing the child everything. However, in Sweden it is believed that raising a child without limits and restrictions will make him unhappy. Swedes adhere to the rule of the golden mean: "Do with the child as you would like to be treated." Therefore, the child has the right to dialogue, explanation and time of adults. It is necessary to encourage the child to be active, to say "you will succeed" instead of "you do not know how." If parents forbid something, then the refusal should be argued. Answer the child "No, because no!" is regarded as a bad tone.
